Monday, November 23, 2009

Forest adventure!!!

*Sorry if I post this late because last two days got NO TIME TO POST THIS.

lol...The forest adventure was damn hard, tireding and ALSO FUN
first we ds went to bedok reservoir park by bus. before go to there. we are asked if we want to go the public toilet is not a building inside, it just a box -.- then hayley talk to the girl that i like yy -.-
then we walk to there.
first , after we get there. we put our bags and say the name and put a green paper rings around my hands. it kind of hate it... it was tight...later we group 1 went first... the instructor teach us about wearing the thing and helmet, later teach us about safety and the hooks thingy on the pantsan holder thing(lol).and we do a small practice before we go. the instructor tell us what to do when we reach different activity. also tell us the thing on the sign board. also tell red and green circle thing on the sign board on the difficulty there represent easy. blue(not sure) are so-so and black are the HARDEST and we start our epic adventure...
It looked kind of fun so i go first...
Later when i swing to the wall of rope, i kind of hard because i slide down hit there kind of fast and hard to climb up to the platform, i need to use a lot of strength to do that...
later... the fun come... Sliding down over the water!!! Before i do the first slide, i kind of bit scare... but later i fell kind of fun, fell the wind and see the nice view when slide over the water... it was fast too... two problem is everytime i slide down, I ALWAYS FACING BACKWARD!!! THEN WHEN REACH OTHER SIDE, BUTT ALWAYS HIT THE SAND GROUND AND THE SAND GOT INTO MY SHOES!. also hard to stop smoothly enough when facing backwards...
on the 2nd or the 3rd part(I forgot) When i climb up the rope ladder, the ladder something get twist!!! ser jay (he was behind me) and one of the instructor lucky hold it on make it straight... but later when almost reach on the platform, I SAW BIG RED ANTS!!! AHHHHHHHHHH... i warn ser jay here got red ants. LATER WENT GO ON THE ACTIVITES AFTER THE PLATFORM WHICH GOT BIG RED ANTS, i struggle because the red crawl on me!!!!!!!!! and one of the ants bite my neck! ouchhhhh.......but later no more already but when we to the activites after the platform which got red ants, he also struggle XD. after i complete the 3rd part, i asked ser jay still got how many, he said one and i sigh... 4th part was harder because most of the activites the difficulty was black. There got one activites again which slide down a bit into a wall of rope... i hate that... the rope above kind short which is a bit hard to reach and put the hooks from the platform and the rope below was long , loosen, so went go down, i drop down damn hard and fast then slide down... when hit the wall of rope, i swing back and front. my hand or legs kind of pain when i try to hold on that wall. then use lot of strength to get up to the platform few activites later, finally! the last part. sliding down over the water, i happily sliding down but later face backward again then i shout 'WHY I FACING BACKWARDS???' when reach the end, the sand there, i was hitted damn hard....ooooooo.....after i put down the pants holder thingy and helmet, i relax , slack for moment eat ice-cream and drink 7-UP...
later bored, taking out my phone and take photo and a video of mr kung sliding down...

*photo will be upload later*
then later patrol gather together talk about something, well nothing much... then azman came and talk to me about soomething which ..........maybe dont want to say then take photo take bus back and go home...

Monday, November 16, 2009

DS Camp...

sorry i suppose to post yesterday but still lazy to post... XD
friday, i took 131 to SAFRA(mt faber)... then fall in at 5:30pm.
i thought going to be scolded by hoong liang(mr. chan)
we form 3 patrol as 1 group(for all DS, there got...
first we had buffet dinner. :) then we go to the crystal room for activity and make a flag of our group (Our group name was 'BOOMZ')
later we had water activity, first we swim make the water from our hair into the bucket. (our group were 3rd, last...)
second we had caterpillar game, we legs were tied together in the water and walk together.(we were 2nd :))
third dragonboating, we sit on the float/tube put our leg together and move by using hand.but i dunno how come my glasses dissappear during here...(WE WERE 1ST!)LOL
last one we everyone of DS tried to climb up on a 2 FLOATING PLATFORM. it was damn hard...
it need to balance properly or else all the people standing above will fall...first i climb up but later i fall off due to the platform being unbalance... we all fall like siao. some of the people climb up again but it become unbalance and everyone on the platform fall again XD...i was not standing on it...
last, i climbing up and stand on it but luckily we never fall and finally we join 2 platform together and someone take a picture. :)
we went back to crystal room at rest there. LOL later someone go play with the light XD
then we take bus to great world city to watch movie, 2012... we got drink and popcorn but we wait outside golden village because we arrive a bit too early...
we sit on last row but luckily the screen we big enough becuase i didnt wear glasses.The movie daMN SCARY. my legs keep shivering
Damn scary...
the lol part was engine start and the pointing middle finger at the fat guy.
then we went back to SAFRA and sleep in the crystal room

Next day, we had breakfast on ya kun kaya toast there then we had archery it kind of hard, i didnt hit bulleye but at least i didnt hit out of the board.
later, we got lunch X( the lunch was like piece of shit coz it was like indian-ish
next we went to river valley primary school then busying setting up something in the field. it was damn tireding. at night got campfire. but after i trying to wood stick out of the bag, my hand turn black lol.
later got dinner which is nasi lemak , usual the egg is still oily...
we had very short time on dinner because i dunno what they are running late...
then we had campfire at first the fire was small then put 2 bag of flammable liquid then later the fire was big lol.
the event kind of bit boring...we got radin ris pri, gan eng seng pri, and river valley pri cub scout with us. after the campfire. we clean thing up there...
and we fall-in in horseshoe formation for prize presention and some speech...
then me and ris go home our own. there no bus near river valley pri sch. i know the road before river valley close. ris was not sure about it. but later walk after RVC, ris thank me because he know the road and there got bus which take him home.
i saw the bus number at the stop , i see 123 is the bus would stop nearest to my home. when i arrive at the bus stop, the bus leave. then i wait for the next bus but the next one like took forever!!!
then i alight the stop at lower delta road and walk a bit to mama shop and buy a drink then walk home...

Sorry if this post was not interesting enough because i dont how 2 make it interesting...

Friday, November 6, 2009

CP MUSIC VIDEO FINISH! o.o xinyi birthday too...




hehe... dont complain it suck, i use a lot of effort in it!
i only use hypercam2 (video recording program) , easycapture (picture capturing porgram), paint (picture editing program), windows movie maker 6 (video editing program with effect and transition), camtasia studio (video editing program too but only use to put fake bubble speech in this video), editstudio (video editing program too but only use to put two layer of video/picture at one time in this video at the end)

I put into cpmvtesting'S youtube(also account of mine) account cuz of copyright...(COPYRIGHT SUCK)
if got copyright , i might want to remove the audio before upload to my main account

*If you see anything which which is impossible to do in club penguin, that means i did it by PENGUIN STORM. SO DON'T ASK HOW I DID IT. like the penguin look very big at 0:46.*

lao zha bao
free pokemon (saint peter and the king was just only an edit)

o.o today is also xinyi birthday... well , nothing to say...just wish you a HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!

Games are our one desire

You're a plumber by richard(richalvarez)