Sunday, April 26, 2009

i had make a new account in youtube is.... 'garfieldandfriends3' !
All pokemon video will be put in this account and not in my main account(garfieldandfriends1) anymore
the reason is garfieldandfriends1 account got 2/3 strike of copyright video
if i got 3 strike,the account will be totally gone.I DONT WANT MY MAIN ACCOUNT TO BE GONE!!!
in 2 days,i had put a lot of pokemon video in garfieldandfriends3 account.
i think i put about 23 video in 2 days.
TIP for you all :
if you want to put video which may have copyright,put in an another account!(with another email address)
dont put in your main account.
you dont want your video in main account is be gone isn't it?

i will be putting pokemon rating,pokemon movie rating and my classmates rating and more soon

pokemon rating like:
pikachu 4.5/5 rating
onix 3.5/5 rating
golem 3/5 rating

i wish in classroom i would sit infront instead of behind because SITTING BEHIND IS JUST LIKE A NIGHTMARE!
you know what i mean?
when i sitting behind,i may cant see what written on the whiteboard or the screen and also make me less concentrade on the lesson :(
last time i used to sit infront..... :(

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Games are our one desire

You're a plumber by richard(richalvarez)